Revista CEFAC
Revista CEFAC


Volume 25, Issue 1, 2023

25(1), 2023

Speech-language-hearing therapists’ perception of orofacial myofunctional changes in subjects with congenital Zika syndrome Paulo Naati Lopes Sobrinho; Manuela Leitão de Vasconcelos; Roberta Lopes de Castro Martinelli; Leandro de Araújo Pernambuco; Giorvan Ânderson dos Santos Alves Brief Communication
Time trend of audiological procedures in the Brazilian Public Health System Rodrigo Oliveira da Fonsêca; Monique Ramos Paschoal Dutra; Hannalice Cavalcanti; Maurício Wiering Pinto Telles; Maria Ângela Fernandes Ferreira Original Articles
Observation of Communicative Behavior: an updated protocol from 0 to 72 months Amanda Tragueta Ferreira-Vasques; Eduardo Pimentel da Rocha; Dionísia Aparecida Cusin Lamônica Original Articles
Impact of cervical pain, neck mobility, and body mass index on teachers’ postural control Ana Carolina Marcotti Dias; Daiane Soares de Almeida Ciquinato; Luciana Lozza de Moraes Marchiori; Rodrigo Antonio Carvalho Andraus Original Articles
Language development of extremely premature infants: parental orientation Caroline Conceição dos Santos Nascimento; Beatriz Servilha Brocchi Original Articles
Resistance to the use of the FM System by children and adolescents: fact or myth? An analysis of records of patients assisted in a hearing health center Caroline Spósito; Larissa de Almeida Carneiro; Bruna Carolina da Silva Bento; Érika Cristina Bucuvic; Regina Tangerino de Souza Jacob Original Articles
Analysis of a hearing loss identification and intervention program in the first years of life in primary care Maria Taiany Duarte de Oliveira; Kátia de Freitas Alvarenga; Alice Andrade Lopes Amorim; Lilian Cassia Bornia Jacob; Eliene Silva Araújo Original Articles
Evaluating the use of wearables in the masseter and temporal muscles: a scoping review protocol Alana Moura Xavier Dantas; Leonardo Wanderley Lopes; Naiara de Oliveira Farias; Hilton Justino da Silva Review Articles
Speech-language-hearing teletherapy for children with autism spectrum disorders during the covid-19 pandemic Ariely Carla Felix da Silva Santos; Ivana Arrais de Lavor Navarro Xavier; Bianca Arruda Manchester de Queiroga; Angélica Galindo Carneiro Rosal; Rafaella Asfora Siqueira Campos Lima; Ana Cristina de Albuquerque Montenegro Case Reports

Revista CEFAC

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