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Knowledge of speech-language pathologists regarding malocclusion, its preventive aspects, recognition, and need for referral

Yasmin Rodrigues do Prado Chapine; Viviane de Oliveira Prado; Magda Feres; José Tarcísio Lima Ferreira; Tarek El-Bialy; Silvia Helena Vieira Bastos; Murilo Fernando Neuppmann Feres

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Purpose: this study aims to assess speech-language pathologists' knowledge of malocclusion, and to assess their perception in recognizing the need for referral of cases.

Methods: a self-administered online questionnaire, aimed at assessing Brazilian speech-language pathologists' professional practices, orthodontic knowledge, and diagnostic skills, was applied. The collected data underwent descriptive analysis.

Results: most respondents stated regularly contacting or referring patients to orthodontists; the most frequent reason for referral was related to the professional’s quality. Respondents indicated the importance of first occlusal evaluations at a very early age, and recognized the potential deleterious effects of oral habits. Most participants reported referring a normal occlusion, distocclusion, mesiocclusion, anterior open bite, deep overbite, and posterior crossbite cases, during the deciduous stage. For the mixed dentition cases, a substantial portion of the sample would refer a case without alterations, another one with mild incisal crowding, as well as deep overbite, Class II, Class III, anterior open bite, and posterior crossbite cases.

Conclusion: professionals demonstrated a good knowledge of malocclusions. Perceptions regarding the need for early referral of Class III cases, anterior open bite, and posterior crossbite, in addition to the lack of an immediate approach for patients affected by mild space problems, were frequent.


Malocclusion; Speech-Language Pathology; Orthodontics; Knowledge; Referral And Consultation


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