Revista CEFAC
Revista CEFAC

About the Journal

Revista CEFAC (abbr. Rev. CEFAC; ISSN 1982-0216) is a peer-reviewed online scientific publication published by Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial (ABRAMO). Accepted articles are continuously published with open access under a Creative Commons Attribution License, in English and Portuguese or in Spanish, and organized in six annual editions. Revista CEFAC charges a publication fee. No submission fee is charged.


Mission and Scope


To disseminate scientific advances related to different areas of speech-language pathology and audiology, as well as their interfaces with other areas of knowledge, in order to contribute to the growth and improvement of the quality of speech-language pathology and audiology at the national and international levels.



Revista CEFAC publishes Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Brief Communications, Case Reports, and Letters to the Editor that are relevant to speech-language pathology and audiology in the following areas: language, fluency, orofacial myofunctional disorders, voice, audiology, dysphagia, public health, neurofunctional speech therapy, gerontology, neuropsychology, work speech therapy and audiology, speech expertise, speech-language pathology in schools, and related areas. It also publishes other works that address the interfaces of speech-language pathology and audiology with other educational and health sciences.



Revista CEFAC was created in 1999 by Dr. Irene Queiroz Marchesan and Dr. Jaime Luiz Zorzi, the co-directors of CEFAC – Saúde e Educação. The materialization of what was a regularly discussed idea took place during the celebration of the CEFAC’s 15-year existence and was made possible thanks to the tenacity and partnership of individuals who always believed in producing and disseminating new knowledge related to speech therapy.

In 2016, Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial (ABRAMO) became responsible for publishing Revista CEFAC.

To facilitate the understanding of the journal’s scope by readers and researchers around the world and thus increase its global visibility, in 2023 we began to adopt the acronym Current Evidence on Feeding, Audiology, and Communication - that is, CEFAC.


Indexing Sources



Open Access and Copyright

Revista CEFAC provides complete and immediate open access to its content.

Every article approved by the journal’s editorial team will be published in open access, meaning that the article will be available free of charge throughout the world perpetually via the Internet.

All of the journal’s content, except when indicated otherwise, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License, type CC BY. Revista CEFAC allows authors to retain the copyright for their published works without restrictions.

The Creative Commons Attribution License allows users to copy, distribute, adapt, and transmit an article as long as the author or authors are attributed. The license also allows the commercial and non-commercial reuse of articles.



Editorial Office and Contact Information

Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial (ABRAMO)

President: Hilton Justino da Silva
Rua Uruguaiana, 516
CEP: 13026-001 Campinas, SP, Brazil
Phone: +55 19 3254-0342

ABRAMO’s email:
Journal’s email:


Revista CEFAC

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