Revista CEFAC
Revista CEFAC

Editorial Board

Chief Editors


Associate Editors


Editorial Committee


Special Consultants


Editorial Production


Selection of and Changes to the Editorial Board

The selection of editorial board members is based on their expertise in areas within the journal’s scope of interest, completion of a doctoral degree, experience as a reviewer for scientific journals, and recommendations from other members of the editorial board.

The editors in chief annually review the makeup of editorial board by evaluating each board member’s contributions and, on that basis, retaining or replacing them as members of the editorial board.


Functions of the Editorial Board

The functions of the editors in chief include:
- Formulating, implementing, and updating the journal’s editorial policies;
- Formulating and updating the instructions for authors, reviewers, and associated editors;
- Selecting and updating the editorial board and coordinating and supervising the editorial board’s work in line with the journal’s policies;
- Holding meetings with associate editors, the editorial committee, and editorial production team, delegating responsibilities, and monitoring the performance of tasks;
- Holding meetings with the journal’s sponsor on matters related to the journal’s expenses and revenue;
- Ensuring that deadlines are met;
- Evaluating similarity reports, performing preliminary scientific evaluations of manuscripts (i.e., regarding scope, relevance, and interest for publication), and determining the immediate rejection, immediate acceptance, or continued review of each manuscript;
- Approving the final version of manuscripts;
- Representing the journal at conferences and other events;
- Writing editorials; and
- Providing feedback, constructive comments, and coaching to associate editors and the editorial committee.

The functions of the associate editors include:
- Participating in meetings with the editors in chief;
- Assisting the editors in chief in making decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of manuscripts;
- Assisting the editors in chief in developing editorials;
- Inviting referees to review manuscripts;
- Monitoring the progress of the evaluation of manuscripts and ensuring that deadlines are met;
- Providing an opinion in cases of conflicting opinions among the reviewers; and
- Analyzing the content of manuscripts for ethical concerns and consulting the editors in chief whenever concerns are encountered.

The functions of the editorial committee include:
- Providing opinions on manuscripts related to their area of expertise;
- Supporting and assisting in the dissemination of the journal; and
- Issuing opinions and feedback to improve editorial policies and the instructions for authors and reviewers.

Revista CEFAC

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