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Instructional material on the management of altered speech related to velopharyngeal dysfunction

Jeniffer de Cássia Rillo Dutka; Gabriela Aparecida Prearo; Ana Caroline Zentil Polzin; Camila de Castro Corrêa; Maria Inês Pegoraro-Krook; Luciana Paula Maximino

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Purpose: to develop and evaluate an instructional material addressing steps and strategies in speech-language therapy for the treatment of speech disorders related to velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD).

Methods: a research taking place in three phases: 1) Planning and development of the material; 2) Evaluation of the material by speech-language therapists; and 3) Application of the material to undergraduate students of Speech-Language Therapy followed by an assessment of their understanding of the topic before and after viewing the material. Inferential statistics were presented by applying the Wilcoxon test to compare responses before and after exposure to the material, considering the level of significance less than or equal to p<0.05.

Results: the content of the modules included: Velopharyngeal function during speech and VPD; Velopharyngeal sufficiency; Training of “modified breath and plosion” in speech; Training with sounds; and Tips for conducting speech-language therapy. In the second phase, five speech-language therapists evaluated the material from satisfactory to excellent, making suggestions that helped to improve it. As to the third phase, the average percentage of correct answers presented a significant increase of 23% after the students viewed the material (p=<0.001).

Conclusion: the instructional material had its content and format evaluated from satisfactory to excellent by professionals; viewing by undergraduate students of Speech-Language Therapy increased their knowledge on the subject.


Cleft Palate; Velopharyngeal Insufficiency; Speech Therapy; Speech Disorders; Speech


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