Revista CEFAC
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The therapeutic effects of a modified palatal memory plate on oral motor function in children with Trisomy 21 at age 3 and 4 years: Case Reports

Natasha Ferreira Roltenver do Nascimento; Lara Aparecida Peron Lopes; Aelyzza Antonio Simas; Pedro Lima; Flávio Warol; Arkadiusz Dziedzic; Daiana Barrozo dos Reis; Márcio José da Silva Moreira; Bruna Lavinas Sayed Picciani

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People with Trisomy 21 (T21) have generalized hypotonia, also manifesting in oral structures. The palatal memory plate (PMP) is a removable appliance to improve tongue and lip posture. The evidence of research elucidates an improvement in oral motor function in children with T21 up to the age of 2 who received PMP-based therapy, with only limited, scanty reports in the literature concerning older children. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of modified PMP on an oral motor function in patients over 2 years old. Two patients with T21, aged 4 and 3, with absence of lip seal and tongue malposition, were subjected to PMP-based therapy for 6 months. The patients were evaluated for an extra and intra oral exam; their parents answered a questionnaire about their children's habitual tongue and lip position. Two-minute footage to record orofacial motor functions was performed monthly, during follow-up appointments to assess the changes. The substantial improvement of tongue and lip posture was observed after 6 months of plate regular use. PMP has proved to be clinically effective in children over 2 years old, presented with T21, leading to improvement of lip and tongue posture, observed by parents and professionals.


Down Syndrome; Muscle Hypotonia; Orthotic Devices; Myofunctional Therapy; Facial Muscles


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