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Electrical activity of the masseter and suprahyoid muscles and aspects of swallowing in children and adolescents with osteogenesis imperfecta

Andressa Colares da Costa Otavio; Hilton Justino da Silva; Erissandra Gomes; Têmis Maria Félix

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Purpose: to characterize the electrical activation of the masseter and suprahyoid muscles at rest and during swallowing tasks, to compare it with clinical aspects of swallowing.

Methods: a cross-sectional study, divided into mild osteogenesis imperfecta and moderate-to-severe osteogenesis imperfecta groups. Surface electromyography was performed on the masseter and suprahyoid muscles at rest and during swallowing tasks. The Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation with Scores assessment form was used to assess clinical aspects of swallowing.

Results: moderate-to-severe osteogenesis imperfecta participants presented a higher percentage of masseter activation than mild osteogenesis imperfecta ones. Regarding the clinical aspects of swallowing, the total sample presented 40.9% normal lip occlusion or with slight effort; 59.1% demonstrated tongue protrusion and 50% showed two other signs of atypical function. Furthermore, the higher the score for lip activity during swallowing, the lower the activation of the suprahyoid muscles at rest.

Conclusions: the activation of the suprahyoid muscles while swallowing saliva and during consecutive swallows of liquid was similar, and activation during different tasks was higher in the moderate-to-severe osteogenesis imperfecta group. The better the labial myofunctional condition during swallowing, the lower the electrical activation of the suprahyoid muscles at rest.


Osteogenesis Imperfecta; Stomatognathic System; Electromyography; Speech Therapy


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