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Central auditory processing and aphasia: A scoping review

Processamento auditivo central e afasia: uma revisão de escopo

Raquel de Oliveira Bezerra; Ana Cecília de Brito Vidal Santos; Daviany de Oliveira Lima; Ivonaldo Leidson Barbosa Lima; Marine Raquel Diniz da Rosa

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Purpose: to report scientific evidence on the impact of aphasia on central auditory processing and map the contribution of auditory training to aphasic individuals.

Methods: a scoping review approaching national and international databases (SciELO, LILACS, PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane Library) and the gray literature (Google Scholar and Open Grey). The inclusion criteria covered articles that addressed the interface between central auditory processing and aphasia, excluding duplicates, literature reviews, and scientific abstracts.

Literature Review: the review comprised 13 articles that met the eligibility criteria for this study. Seven of the selected articles assessed central auditory processing, four used electrophysiological examinations (such as auditory brainstem response and long-latency auditory evoked potentials) to assess the auditory pathway, and only one analyzed the intervention in aphasic individuals with auditory training.

Conclusion: scientific evidence points to an important change in aphasic people’s central auditory processing, with impaired figure-ground, auditory closure, temporal resolution and ordering, and binaural integration. Moreover, it is relevant to assess auditory processing, given the contribution of auditory training in speech-language-hearing therapy for a better prognosis in the rehabilitation of aphasia.


 Auditory Perception; Auditory Pathways; Acoustic Stimulation; Aphasia


Percepção Auditiva; Vias Auditivas; Estimulação Acústica; Afasia


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