Revista CEFAC
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Could speech disorders in children with cleft lip and palate be justified by impaired central auditory skills?

Jaqueline Lourenço Cerom; Maria Renata José; Luciana Paula Maximino; Jeniffer de Cássia Rillo Dutka; Maria Inês Pegoraro-Krook; Mariza Ribeiro Feniman

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Purpose: to verify the association between central auditory skills and speech disorders related to velopharyngeal dysfunction.

Methods: forty-five children, with repaired non-syndromic cleft lip and palate or cleft lip only, aged 7-11 years old, were divided into three groups: G1 (n=15), children with hypernasality, nasal air emission, and compensatory articulations; G2 (n=15), children with hypernasality and nasal air emission, but without compensatory articulations; and G3 (n=15), children without hypernasality, nasal air emission, and compensatory articulations. The medical records of all participants were analyzed to verify the eligibility criteria and obtain speech assessments, and then, they were submitted to an assessment of central auditory skills. Statistical analysis comprised descriptive and chi-square test with a significance level of 5%.

Results: G1 presented a higher occurrence of impairment in central auditory skills differing from the other groups, particularly in the temporal ordering and binaural integration skills. A significant difference was observed among groups in temporal ordering ability. No significant association was found between the use of specific types of compensatory articulations and impaired auditory skills.

Conclusion: there was an association between changes in temporal ordering auditory skills and binaural integration in children with velopharyngeal dysfunction, regardless of the presence or type of compensatory articulation found.


Cleft Lip; Cleft Palate; Hearing; Speech; Velopharyngeal Insufficiency


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