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Dermatoglyphic and acoustic analysis of singing voices: a multiple case preliminary report

Cristiane Magacho-Coelho; Zuleica Camargo; José Fernandes Filho

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Purpose: to identify genetically enhanced physical skills (speed, strength, endurance and motor coordination), provided by the dermatoglyphic method and to analyze the preliminary correlation between dermatoglyphic and acoustic data of lyrical and pop singers.

Methods: the study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee. Four male singers were evaluated (two lyrical and two pop singers), 31-53 years old. Data collection and analysis procedures comprised (1) Survey -Self-Perception of Vocal Characteristics in Singers (vocal habits, voice performance and phenotypic characteristics); (2) Dermatoglyphic Profile (fingerprint image digitalization: predominance of digital drawings (Arch, Loop and Whorl); scores of deltas (D10); the Total Ridge Count (TRC); digital formula and dermatoglyphic profile (aerobic, anaerobic and mix)); (3) Acoustic Analysis (the Expression Evaluator script application to the audio recordings: f0, intensity, spectral slope and long-term average spectrum - LTAS values); and (4) Integrated (Statistical) Analysis; cluster analysis.

Results: correlations were found between dermatoglyphic variables (Arch, Loop, Whorl, D10, TRC) and acoustic parameters (f0 (median); intensity (asymmetry); spectral slope (mean); and LTAS (SD)). The dermatoglyphic profile did not segregate singing styles.

Conclusion: the dermatoglyphic profiles showed a preliminary correlation with the acoustic vocal measures, especially f0 and LTAS measures.


Linguistics, Phonetics, Dermatoglyphics, Speech Acoustics, Voice Quality


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