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Brazilian phonoaudiology telepractice before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

Bárbara Niegia Garcia de Goulart; Simone Aparecida Lopes-Herrera; Cibelle Albuquerque de la Higuera Amato; Fernanda Dreux Miranda Fernandes; Jacy Perissinoto; Ana Carina Tamanaha; Ana Paula Ramos de Souza; Ana Cristina de Albuquerque Montenegro; Leticia Segeren; Fernanda Prada Machado; Daniela Regina Molini-Avejonas

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Purpose: to analyze the use of digital resources by Brazilian phonoaudiologists before and during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: cross-sectional study carried out with a representative sample of Brazilian phonoaudiologists, with at least one year of practical experience. An online questionnaire consisting of 28 questions divided into eight sections was prepared. Data were analyzed and are reported as absolute and relative frequency regarding the variables: respondent’s age, highest degree and years of experience; weekly working hours; region of the country; type of service and area of expertise; use of digital means before and during the pandemic and willingness to use the same kind of resource after the pandemic.

Results: telehealth technologies were used by 90% of phonoaudiologists in Brazil since before the COVID-19 pandemic. A change in the profile of technologies used was observed: after the pandemic, videoconferences gained more use in contact with patients compared to the pre-pandemic period even though contact via mobile phone and instant messaging applications are the most used, both before and during the pandemic.

Conclusion: the study's findings demonstrate that 90% of phonoaudiologists who answered the questionnaire in Brazil used and still make use of telehealth technologies to contact patients.


Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, Audiology, Population Studies in Public Health, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Access to Health Services, Medical Informatics Applications


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